Frequently Asked Questions
What is WEGDR?
WEGDR stands for Waters Edge Great Dane Rescue, Inc.
Is WEGDR a Non-Profit Organization?
Yes, WEGDR is a registered 501c3 organization.
Where is WEGDR based out of?
WEGDR is based out of Bonneau, SC. We do not operate a shelter. We privately foster dogs through foster homes. Our incorporation and mailing address is in Bonneau, SC.
Where do donations go to?
The majority of our monetary donations cover medical care and treatment for our foster Great Danes. Other expenses such as supplies, insurance and events fees are also paid for by the donations. All donations are tax deductible and can come in the form of money, much needed supplies, purchases from our merchandise events or WEGDR’s Wish List.
Why is a breed specific rescue needed?
We want to ensure that Great Danes go to a home environment that is less stressful and where they will be properly cared for. Great Danes are a very unique breed that require special attention and patience and do not cope well in a shelter environment.
What is a “foster based” rescue?
A “foster based” rescue is one in which all the Great Danes in our care are placed in homes (foster) where they live with the family until the Great Dane is ready for adoption and finds it’s forever home.
Does WEGDR adopt to residents outside of South Carolina?
Yes! We have abopted Great Danes out to many surrounding states and much farther. The adoption process can take a little longer as we will contact rescue groups near you to help with the home visit. We also ask that the adopter be willing to travel to meet the Dane, so that we are confident that you fit well together. WEGDR does NOT provide transports for adopted dogs.
Are you a “No Kill” rescue?
Yes, we are a “No Kill” rescue. The only situation that we would euthanize a dog is if the quality of life was poor for one of our dogs with no medical fix, or if a dog has extreme aggression (generalized) that is not able to be rehabilitated and would be a risk to the public.
What is Bloat?
Bloat is unfortunately, the number one medical concern of Great Danes and Great Danes are the #1 breed at risk for bloat. For reasons not fully understood, in certain deep-chested breeds in particular, the stomach distends, then has a tendency to rotate, which cuts off the blood supply to various parts of the body, as well as effectively shutting down digestion. This condition is extremely painful as well as a true emergency that is rapidly life threatening. A dog with a bloated, twisted stomach (technically called "Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus") will be in great pain and in a matter of hours this condition can be fatal - unless drastic steps are taken: surgery is normally necessary. The reasons for GDV are currently not understood, however most would agree that multiple small meals per day and preventing vigorous exercise around mealtimes can help reduce the chances of bloat. Many breeders and owners of Great Danes consider a surgery called a Prophylactic Gastropexy ("preventative tack") which can help prevent some of the more serious aspects of GDV. Be sure to discuss this with your veterinarian.